Unit - 3
  • 20 to 30 seconds work on each exercise with a 30 second recovery between each exercise
  • 3 to 5 sets with a 3 minute recovery between each set
The duration can be based on time (e.g. 30 seconds) or set to half the number of repetitions of the exercise the athlete can complete in 60 seconds of 100% effort.

If training is based on the number of repetitions then regular testing (e.g. every 4 weeks) will need to be carried out to determine the maximum number of repetitions that can be completed in 60 seconds for each exercise.

Training can be based on a four week cycle comprising of an easy week, medium week, hard week and test/recovery week. The workload can be varied by changing the number of exercises, duration, sets or repetitions.

A selection of upper body, core and trunk, lower body and total body exercises are available on the Circuit Training Exercises page.
Last modified: Wednesday, 29 June 2011, 9:42 AM