Practical lessons - 5: Observation of motor and cognitive abilities of infants (birth – 6 months)


Module 2: Observation and Recording the Development of Infants (birth – 12 months)
in different Child Care Centers

Practical lessons - 5: Observation of motor and cognitive abilities of infants (birth – 6 months)

Introduction: In the early months the infant responds to various sounds, tastes, smells, touch and other sensations. The neonate enjoys bright colours and listens to different sounds in the surrounding environment. Simple tasks such as holding the infant, providing the visual and auditory stimuli such as hangings, mobiles, cubes, rattles, lights are all important for acquisition of gross motor control and enhancing the infant’s development at this age.


Cognitive development refers to the growth and refinement of intellectual capacity, which helps in the overall development of the child. Many theorists believe that infants take an active role in their own cognitive development. The problem is in finding out what infants do, knows and think about. For example, when the child has learnt the skill of holding a rattle he will also learn that by shaking the rattle sound is produced. By this it is evident that development of motor areas also help in the cognitive development.


Aim: To understand the motor and cognitive abilities of infants.

  1. To understand the motor abilities of infants of birth-6 months.
  2. To understand the cognitive abilities of infants of birth-6 months.

Observation of motor and oral motor abilities of infants (birth to 6 months)

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 7:11 AM