Maida fromsoft wheat with low or moderate protein content is used. Leavening effect is brought about by addition of chemicals in the form of baking powder. Fat plays an important role of preventing gluten formation besides giving cake a light and fluffy texture. Lightness of cake is due to the thin cell walls formed by the air in foam of egg white.
Biscuits: Also termed as cookies are available as a drop, bar or refrigerated cookies. The method of preparation and ingredients are almost similar. The drop cookies are prepared by dropping the batter on to a cookies sheet. Bar cookies are also known as sheet cookies are baked by spreading the mixture in a shallow pan. Refrigerated cookies are made by refrigerating stiff dough until thoroughly chilled the individual cookies then sliced and baked.
Pastries: They include a group of baked products such as pie, pastry and puff pastry. The plain pastry consists of flour, fat water and salt. The plastic fat is combines with flour before the liquid is added. Many particles of the flour become coated with fat which inhibits the hydration and thus gluten formation. However, in flaky pastry preparation, hydration of some protein is desirable. In pie preparation the plain pastry is used. The baked pastry is golden brown in colour and tender enough to cut with fork, but not crumbly. The surface should be blistered rather than compact and smooth. Tender pastry results when the flour is thoroughly coated with fat before liquid is introduced. However, the kind of flour, fat, and liquid are significant in determining the tenderness of the pastry.