Classification of foods for the purpose of food sampling

Food Standard and Quality Control

Lesson 03 :Food Sampling

Classification of foods for the purpose of food sampling

Generally all the food samples that are derived from biological material (liquid or solid) can be divided into the five categories depending on the content as shown in the following Table. This type of broad classification helps to choose the sampling clean up technique or analytical technique.

Table: General Classification of food samples according to their content

Sample Character Typical analytes
Milk Aqueous, proteins, lipids Veterinary drugs, toxic elements, pesticides, industrial contaminants.
Eggs High lipids and albumin content Veterinary drugs, industrial contaminants, pesticides
Other samples of animal origin (e.g. muscle, liver, fat) Various water, plant pigments, lipids, proteins, essential oils or waxes Drugs, industrial contaminants, pesticides.
Plant material (e.g. Fruits, vegetables, seeds) Various water, plant pigments, lipids, proteins, essential oils or waxes Pesticides, toxic elements, industrial contaminants.
Other Foods (e.g. meat, fish, milk, cereals, wine, juices, plant oils, sugar) Various fat, oils, lipids, proteins, sugar, starch, water, or pigments. Pesticides, industrial contaminants, synthetic colorants, additives, synthetic sweeteners, antioxidants.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 9:49 AM