Grouping and Organization

Instructional Video Production 4(1+3)

Lesson 02: Visual Grammar

Grouping and Organization

Grouping and organization is also known as the principle of unity, means the arrangement of objects within a frame so that they look grouped rather than unrelated and scattered.

Elements within a frame may be grouped either because they belong together or because they are of the same size, shape, or colour. This results in a certain harmony while reading the image and the viewer attains a com­fortable degree of perceptual satisfaction.

One way to learn good composition is to cut a 4" by 3" rectangle in a cardboard and start 'framing' the world around. Using the cut-out helps in framing objects. On the other hand, camera views objects only within a frame. View different objects around you at varying distances. Most of the time, your instinct will tell you whether what you are 'framing' is good or not. When you begin to use the video camera, the viewfinder on the camera replaces the cardboard cut-out.
The human mind has a tendency to group or organize items together to form a cluster of shapes. Look at Fig. 1.4 to understand this principle. Even stars are grouped together to form constellations. The Saptarishi (the Great Bear constellation as known in Indian astronomy) is one such cluster that appears as a unified image, easily identifiable by sight.


Balance Distributing elements within a frame so as to achieve the state of equilibrium is called balance. Balance helps the meaning of the picture to be made clearer and visible. The size of the elements within the frame also lends balance and helps the viewer understand the meaning clearly.
Equilibrium does not mean that all things need be at rest. Balance can allow movement and therefore visual interest.
The state of mind induced in the viewer by the image may, however, outweigh any perceptual considerations of balance. A huge insect crawling anywhere in the frame is bound to attract the interest of the viewer irre­spective of the composition.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 12:07 PM