

Lesson 4: Types of Mass Media


A newspaper is a complex package of news, comment, information and entertainment, and the combination of these contents varies from paper to paper. Most people choose their daily paper to match their specific tastes, and individuai newspapers have developed in different ways to provide for these. The 'tabloids' are the popular papers, printed on half the broadsheet size. For example, Mid-day, in India, Sun and Daily Mirror in Britain.

There are newspapers which are called national newspapers or national press. Such as, times of India or Indian Express in India or Observer in Britain or USA-Today in United States of America. These newspapers fulfill the role of national newspapers, with their nationwide and international circulation. These national newspapers provide readers with a serious and comprehensive coverage and analysis of the national and international news of the day, with informed comment on social and political issues.

The local newspapers or local press has also developed strongly in India due to the multifarious languages of the country. The national newspapers may be the prestige newspapers, but local newspapers are readjust as avidly. Many people get their news from the vigorous regional or local publications. They cover the issues concerning regional and local people and cover the interesting activities of the people. The readers get the news which is close to them and may have involved people they know. These newspapers also serve as a focus for the local community, bringing people together, for support or fight for any common cause.

Jha (1991) says, "There are bad newspapers and there are good newspapers and on the whole, most newspapers have distinctly improved over the years. They look better and brighter, and writers and editors look at the reader more often than the tips of their noses. And although politics, of the personality kind, still gobbles up a lot of our column space, we do have more art, film, science, lifestyle, business, more variety in the paper than before. There is more good writing now than ever, although not as much and not as good as we would like to see. In short, it is more fun to read the newspaper in 1997 than it was in 1977".

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 9:11 AM