Cabinet Oblique

Lesson 6:Oblique Projection Drawings

Cabinet Oblique

Cabinet projection, popular in furniture illustrations , wherein the receding axis is scaled to half-size (sometimes also two thirds the original). Cabinet projection or sometimes cabinet perspective is a type of oblique projection. The term stems from the use for illustrations in furniture industry. Like cavalier perspective, cabinet projection is an oblique projection, where one face of the projected object is parallel to the viewing plane, and the third axis is projected as going off in an angle (typical 30° or 45°). In cabinet oblique drawings, the receding lines are shortened by one-half their true length to compensate for distortion and to approximate more closely what the human eye would see. It is for this reason that cabinet oblique drawings are the most used form of oblique drawings.(Figure – 3)
Unlike cavalier projection, where the third axis keeps its length, with cabinet projection the length of the receding lines is cut in half. In Cabinet oblique the scale (depth) is halved whilst in Cavalier oblique the depth scale is the same as in the X and Y directions.


Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2011, 9:35 AM