2. Orange trunk borer

2. Orange trunk borer - Anoplophora versteegi Ritsema. (Lamiidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grub tunnels into the trunk and feeds on the internal content of the trunk resulting the death of the tree.
    • The adult beetle feeds on the leaf tissue along the mid rib, keeping the margins intact.
    • The female beetle lays eggs singly in cracks on bark up to 2 feet height from the ground.
    • A single female lays about 33-85 eggs.
    • The grub feeds on sap wood making horizontal galleries before it enter into centre of the trunk.
    • The larval period is 267-290 days. It pupates inside the gallery for 33-43 days.
    • Hand picks the adults by shaking the trees and kills them.
    • Paint the base of the tree trunk with persistent insecticides.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 February 2012, 4:49 PM