3. Leaf roller

3. Leaf roller- Psorostichia ( = Tonica ) zizyphi Staint. (Oecophoridae: Lepidoptera)

    • The larva webs together and folds the leaves.
    • It feeds from within the leaf roll on the epidermis of leaves.
    • The infestation resulted in rolling and crinkling of leaves.
    • The adult moth is small brown.
    • The female moth lays eggs singly or in group along the mid ribs of leaves.
    • A female can lays up to 404 eggs in her life span.
    • The egg, larval and pupal period are 3-5, 9-11 and 5-10 days respectively.
    • It pupates in leaf folds.
    • The total life cycle of the pest is completed in 20-31 days.
    • Collect and destroy damaged leaf folds along with larvae and pupae.
    • Encourage activity of Brachymeria euploeae and Apanteles sp.
    • Spray carbaryl 10.1% or dimethoate 0.03 % or NSKE 5%.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 6:55 AM