1. Citrus mite

1. Citrus mite - Panonychus citri Mc Gregor. (Tetranychidae: Acarina)

    • Both nymphs and adult suck the sap from leaves, tender fruits and green bark.
    • In case of severe infestation there is complete defoliation of plants.
    • The infested fruits turn yellow and remain undeveloped.
    • It lays about 50 eggs each arranged singly along large veins on the lower surface of leaves.
    • The eggs are round, minute and orange in colour which are embedded in the leaf tissues.
    • The egg period is 7 days.
    • The freshly hatched out nymphs desap the leaves for 304 days. It is full grown in 4-5 days, moult and transform into adult mite.
    • The total life cycle is completed in 17-20 days.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 February 2012, 5:06 PM