2. Citrus butterfly

2. Citrus butterfly -Papilio demoleus Linn and P. polytes ( Papilionidae : Lepidoptera)

    • The young larvae found on the upper surface of leaves and feed on the leaf lamina from margin to mid rib.
    • The grown up caterpillar feeds even on matured leaves and cause severe defoliation to the entire plant.

    Citrus butterfly

    • The adult butterfly is a black and yellow swallow tailed.
    • The female lays singly or in groups of 2-3 eggs on leaves.
    • The fecundity is 183 eggs per female.
    • The incubation period is 8-6 days.
    • The caterpillar is yellowish ¬green with horn like structure on the dorsal side of the last body segment.
    • The larval period is 8-16 days.
    • The full grown larva spins a girdle around its body and pupates on a twig.
    • The pupal period is 8-11 days.
    • There are four to five overlapping generation in a year.
    • Hand picks and destroys the larvae.
    • Spray dimethoate 0.03 % / litres when the infestation is moderate to severe.
    • Spray carbaryl 0.1% or dimethoate 0.03 % or NSKE 5%
    • Encourage activity of egg parasitoids, Trichogramma sp., Telenomus sp., and larval parasitoid, Apanteles spp. Charops sp. and Brachymeria sp.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 6:55 AM