3. Bark caterpillar

3. Bark caterpillar - Indarbela tetraonis Moore. (Metarbelidae: Lepideptera)

    • The grub bores into the bark and sap wood making zig-zag galleries filled with silken webbed masses comprising chewed up materials and excreta.
    • In severe infestation the flow of sap is interfered.
    • The growth of the plant is arrested and fruit formation capacity is drastically reduced.
    Bark caterpillar
    • The adult moth is pale brown with rufous head and thorax.
    • The female lays eggs in masses of 15-25 under loose bark of the trees.
    • A single female lays about 2000 eggs in her life span.
    • The egg period is 8-10 days.
    • The newly hatched larva is dirty brown while the full grown caterpillars have pale brown bodies with dark brown head measuring 50-60 mm in length.
    • The larval period is 9-11 months.
    • It pupates inside the tunnel for 3-4 weeks.
    • The adult moth emerges during summer.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 February 2012, 4:49 PM