6. Cottony cushion scale

6.Cottony cushion scale - Icerya purchasi Maskell. ( Margarodidae : Hemiptera)

    • Both nymphs and adults infest the twigs and leaves.
    • The infested twigs are killed and leaves turned pale and dropped prematurely.
    • The development of sooty mould on the infested leaves is typical symptom.
    • It reproduces parthenogenetically as the males are rare.
    • The female scale lays up to 700 eggs in the ovisac held behind the body.
    • The newly hatched out nymphs feeds on leaves and twigs.
    • It becomes adult after moulting for three times.
    • The life cycle is completed in 46-240 days.
    • Collect damaged twigs and stems along with soft and hard scales and destroy.
    • Spray methyl parathion 0.03% emulsion or dimethoate + kerosene oil at 150 ml + 250 ml respectively in 100 1 of water or carbaryl 0.05% + oil 1% or malathion 0.1% or monocrotophos 1 ml/ 1 or fenthion 100 EC 1 ml/l.
    • Spray fish oil rosin soap 25 g/1 or neem oil 3% or dimethoate 0.03 % /1.
    • Encourage natural enemies, Aphelinus sp., and predators, Chilocorus nigritus, Scymnus sp. and Rodolia cardinalis.
    • Enforce ban by law, transport of wattle from the Nilgiris and kodaikanal to elsewhere.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 6:56 AM