
Lesson 23: Indoor play activities in ECE


  1. Keep a watchful eye on the play.
  2. Teach children to take blocks to their table/place to avoid clutter.
  3. Be an interested observer, make suggestions but do not dominate.
  4. Leave the built in structures for some time as children wish to play with what they have made.
  5. Do not allow other children to destroy the constructed block buildings.
  6. Drawing diagrams of children’s constructions increases satisfaction, helps in sharing experiences with parents.
  7. Mathematical relationships such as equality and seriated relationships should be casually shown to the child.

Clear up

  1. Let children clear up the work, but do not insist on all blocks being put back.
  2. Always categorize blocks and arrange them in an order.
  3. Return the extra accessories to the block cupboard.

Suggested variations: Doll house furniture, rug samples, small rubber animals, miniature people, variations in the blocks – arches, roofs, and cubes adds interest. Wagons and wheels also help to enrich block play. A combination of large and small blocks can also be used, which result in building interesting structures.


Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 12:26 PM