Importance of Parent Involvement

Lesson 31: Parental participation in the ECE programme

Importance of Parent Involvement

Parental involvement in child’s education influences academic motivation of the child (Willmon, 1969).
Parental participation influences the learning styles of the children (Swan and Stavros, 1973). They found that these children.

  • Have the quality of being able to listen and use the information from adults and other children alike.
  • Are not afraid to try new games and activities and are willing to take reasonable risks and have high self confidence.
  • Are in control of situations and can channel energy toward the activities of the programme.
  • Often create their own opportunities for satisfaction.
  • Ask meaningful and appropriate questions, describe their experiences colourfully and have a sense of humor.
  • Can look at their own performance objectively and learn from efforts.
  • Usually successful in resolving conflicts that arise with other children.

Parental participation is the key to sustaining gains achieved in early childhood programmes. A survey of parents participated in a head start programme revealed that there is a positive relationship between extensive parent participation and children’s scores on task orientation, academic achievement, verbal intelligence and self concept.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 10:49 AM