Diagnosis & Treatment

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 36 : Child Guidance Clinic

Diagnosis & Treatment

After the interview at which the psychiatrist tries to collect the information about the child from the child and his parents, it is necessary to have a case conference with all the staff of the Child Guidance Clinic, This team or panel consists of the psychiatrist, psychologist, podiatrist and the social worker. It is useful to have a written report and circulate to all the members before the conference. The contents of the case history and the discussions with the parent should be kept confidential. This conference will help in diagnosing mental illness and should be followed by a number of conferences during the treatment period.

The type of treatment for each individual child depends upon the specific problem and circumstances of each child. On the basis of examination, diagnosis, the clinic may suggest treatment in each individual case. For treatment, the clinic can provide such of the conditions as appear to be conducive to the free expression by the child. Everything in the clinic should be accessible to the child, so that he feel at ease. Sand, water, mud, plasticine, drawing and painting material, toys, bricks, leaves, flowers, tools, small house and other equipment should be available in the clinic accessible to the child. Through the use of this material, child may be able to express himself fully. Story-telling may another method of understanding child's problem and what feels about his environments.


Play therapy
Play therapy aims at giving purposeful play to the child by giving him a particular act to express himself freely and through his expressions while at play a psychiatrist is not only able to understand the problem of a child, but this has also the therapeutic value. Certain inaccessible expressions and emotions are pushed into unconscious mind which remain there, struggling to find expression for themselves. Thus these unconscious wishes are channelized while at play. Play, therefore, is the sound method of allowing expression of the child. It is necessary to give the child an atmosphere of freedom so that he is able to express himself freely. Play therapy helps the child ultimately to make a satisfactory adjustment in getting over his problem.

The future trends in the child guidance depend upon the way the present child guidance clinics solve the problem of maladjusted children. It needs trained workers, comprehensive research, and attitude of the general community and simplification of the methods. There is a need to have preventive services on the lines of public health programmes. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment will prevent chronic mental illness and delin­quency. Many early symptoms of maladjustment, if detected and treated in time at the clinic would help the children grow into normal and happy adults capable of adapting themselves to the stress of life. The clinics cannot directly help or treat advanced or extreme cases of severe maladjustments. It can reduce the size of the problem of mental illness and delin­quency.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 9:54 AM