
Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 36 : Child Guidance Clinic


The clinic should be centrally located in a position easily accessible to public transport service. The minimum require­ments of a clinic are rooms-one each for the psychiatrist, psy­chologist, social worker and a waiting room for the parents and children. The atmosphere in the clinic should be friendly. It should have a building where children can easily relax and express themselves freely.

The clinic should have arrangements for diagnosis and treatment of children. It should also be able to organize an educational service in the psychological development of the children. Although there may be a need to have a hospital for severely disturbed children, the clinic is meant to run only as an out-patient's service. It could be an out-patient's depart­ment of a general hospital, or as a branch of school health service, school social work service, or it may be attached to a teachers' training college or to a school of social work.

Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 10:47 AM