
Lesson 16 : Factors Influencing Standards And Interrelatedness Of Values, Goals And Standards


  1. Varghese, M. A., Ogale n. N. and Srinivasan K. 1985, Home Management, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers New Delhi.
  2. Irma H. Gross , Elizabeth Walbert Crandall and Marjorie M. Knoll, 1973, Management for Modern Families (third edition) Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
  3. Nickell, Paulena and Dorsey Jean M, 1970, Management in Family Living, New Delhi. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
  4. DR. V.V.Bharathi and Ms. M Jacintha 1994, Family Resource Management (New Concepts and Theory) Discovery Publishing House New Delhi.
  5. Premavathy Seetharaman, Sonia Batra and Preeti Mehra 2005, An Introduction to Family Resource Management, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi
  6. Betty B. Swanson 1981, Introduction to Home Management, Macmillan publishing co., Inc. New York.
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 July 2012, 7:55 AM