The Moslow's Theory Of Hierarchial Needs

Lesson 10 : Motivations For Management

The Maslow's Theory Of Hierarchial Needs

The concept of human needs is outlined by the famous economist Abraham Maslow. He has classified these needs in to five levels in a hirachial manner which is illustrated in the form of triangle as show in the following figure.

Physiological Needs:

These needs are important to maintain life and are more specific than the other level needs. These needs are essential to satisfy the basic human wants like food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep and sex desire. These are essential for maintenance of satisfied human life.

Safety and Security needs:

These are the needs required for physical safety and security. They include freedom from fear, danger and threat. Some of the examples are sufficient availability of food, secured shelter (have), Job security etc.

Social/affiliation needs:

Human being is a social animal and wants belongingness to a particular society or social group. It is related to the social interaction, such as acceptance, love and belongingness, people need affinity for companionship, caring and being cared.

Esteem needs:

This is the human need to be held in esteem both by self and others. The esteem needs include self respect, recognition and status in the society. A person who wants to respected in a occupational group or social group, he may work towards his personal growth as a means of recognition.

Self actualization needs:

The realization of one’s potential is known as self- actualization. According to Maslaw very few people become completely self- actualized. Creative self discipline, unity of personality, and openness to experience we are the characteristics of persons working towards self actualization.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 10:00 AM