Time schedules

Lesson 32 : Management Process Applied To Time Resource

Types Of Time Schedules

The time schedules may be daily schedule, weekly schedule and seasonal schedule for a home maker who is not employed outside. Among all the stages of family life cycle the highest demand on time is felt during the expanding stage of the family. Premavathy et al (2005) have given some sample time schedules of the home maker as reference for making individual time schedules.

Table: 32.1 Daily time schedule for a housewife.




5.30 am

6.00 am

Personal care like getting up, brushing, taking a cup of tea etc.

6.00 am

7.00 am

Prepare and pack breakfast for self, children and husband

7.00 am

7.45 am

Prepare and serve breakfast to the family members and self.

7.45 am

9.00 am

Clear table, supervise kitchen work as maid washes dishes, daily cleaning, straightening and bed making

9.00 am

10.00 am

Sorting and washing clothes by hand or machine, putting these clothes for drying etc., bathing and dressing.

(10.00) am

(11.30) am

Provision for weekly tasks and activities

11.30 am

12.00 noon

Rest and reading newspapers, magazines, watching television etc, or some leisure time hobby work like sewing embroidery etc.

12.00 noon

1.00 pm

Prepare lunch and semi preparation and planning for evening snacks and dinner

1.00 pm

1.30 pm

Watch TV or do some hobby work/resting

1.30 pm

1.45 pm

Bringing children back from school/bus stop.

1.45 pm

2.30 pm

Serve lunch to children and cleaning up

2.30 pm

3.30 pm

Rest and getting in touch with friends and relatives on telephone etc.

3.30 pm

5.00 pm

Help children with study and homework

5.00 pm

6.00 pm

Allow for weekly tasks and activities

6.00 pm

6.30 pm

Prepare, serve and have tea, snacks, with family members

6.30 pm

7.30 pm

Preparations for dinner

7.30 pm

8.00 pm

Help children pack bags, prepare for next day's activities.

8.00 pm

8.30 pm

Serve and have dinner with family members

8.30 pm

9.00 pm

Clear table, clean kitchen etc.

9.00 pm

10.00 pm

Spending time with family members/watching television etc.

Table: 32.2 Daily time schedule for a working woman




5.30 am

6.00 am

Personal care like getting up, brushing, having a cup of tea etc.

6.00 am

8.30 am

Preparing breakfast and lunch for family members

8.30 am

8.50 am

Having breakfast with family and cleaning

8.50 am

9.00 am

Getting ready for office

9.00 am

9.45 am

Going to office-Traveling

9.45 am

1.00 pm

Attending office work

1.00 pm.

2.00 pm

Lunch break

2.00 pm

5.30 pm

Attending office work

5.30 pm

6.15 pm

Going to home-traveling

6.15 pm

7.00 pm

Relaxation, Preparing and having snacks and tea.

7.00 pm

7.30 pm

Watching T.V. reading newspapers and magazines

7.30 pm

8.30 pm

Helping children in study

8.30 pm

9.15 pm

Preparing dinner for the family

9.15 pm

9.45 pm

Having dinner with family

9.45 pm

10.30 pm

Kitchen cleaning and next day preparation

10.30 pm


Going to bed

Table: 32.3 Weekly time schedule for a housewife
(10.00-11.30 a.m.)



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

computer classes
Mend and sew
Attend computer classes
Interaction with friends, Recreation and social activities
Attend computer classes
Shop for groceries and other items
Spend time with family members at home or having an outing/visiting friends, relatives etc.

(2.30-6.30 p.m.)



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Drop children for tennis, music, dance or Hobby classes, and go for walk.
Same schedule is followed.
Same schedule is followed.
Same schedule is followed.
Same schedule is followed.
Family outing or spending time together on indoor games.
Spend time with family members at home or having an outing/visiting friends, relatives etc

* On Sundays no fixed time schedule is followed, there is flexibility in time plans according to the needs, desires and requirements of the family and friends

Table 32.4 Seasonal time Schedule for a housewife.







Vegetable and flower gardening

Storing seasonal clothing and preparing the wardrobe for the next season.

Plan and prepare for holidays. Plan and direct activities for children during vacations. Preserving food - making pickles, chutneys etc., storing seasonal clothing

Vegetable and flower gardening

Steps in Preparation of a Time Schedule:

Since a time schedule requires more definite thought than a series of projects plan does, it should be carried out through a set of a fairly definite steps which are as follows:

1. List all items to be Included, Grouping under Flexible and Inflexible

In some cases, there is only a fine line separating flexible from inflexible items. For example, go~ to classes is inflexible for a student, or feeding the baby is inflexible for a home-maker, where as dusting one's bedroom or living room is a flexible task, which need not be done at a fixed time. It is equally important to break down lengthy or complicated tasks into parts. Not only are parts easier to grasp and to check on later, but they are easier to face and perform. Thus these activities are to be listed and arranged in a sequential order.

2. Set Down as Accurate an Estimate of Time for Each Task as is Obtainable

Settings down of time estimates may be accomplished in one of two ways: Either the person uses her own time norms found through long experience or through keeping a few records of repetitive tasks or she must estimate as best she can, the time required for each part of her schedule, get such information from other sources such as friends, relatives or books. This time estimates are important, because the homemaker who takes two hours to clean a closet today should know that she cannot clean three closets in the same amount of time tomorrow or on any other day. Thus estimating the required time for each task is important, prior to the preparation of a final time schedule.

3. Bring Total Estimated Time Needed and Total Available Time into Harmony

The third step in making a time schedule, bringing needs and wants into harmony, is the same process as that applied to the more tangible resource-money. This is done generally and felt more in the preparation of a budget in the financial management. This step calls for adjustment and listing the earlier activity of flexible and inflexible plays an important role here.

4. Determine Time Sequence

It requires both listing jobs in order and determining logical times when they are to be done. Such as, build around the tasks that are fixed both as to necessity of performing them and/ or clock time when they must be done, alternate light and heavy jobs as far as possible, include elasticity periods without fail. Sequence of activities can be planned most effectively, if we take into consideration the aspects such as fixed jobs, regular, routine, rest periods and the warming up period. This step requires a lot of care, since one has to bring a good balance in the use of time resource.

5.Write Out Plan

Now check the above sequence of activities before preparing the actual final plan of action. If the period planned for is short enough and soon enough, so that all the preceding steps may be accomplished while the plan can be remembered. Forms for writing out time plans vary from a separate card for a day with a few notations to a week's or even a month's plan. It all depends upon the convenience of the person for whom the plan is made.

6. Merge Individual Plans with Others for Co-ordination

The carrying out of the last step depends upon whether or not one is working alone. A homemaker may need especially to co-ordinate her plans with those of other family members, especially that of the adult members in the family, like her husband, grown up children, elderly parents etc.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 3:59 AM