Forms Of Fatigue

Lesson 41 : Fatigue-Forms And Causes
Forms Of Fatigue

Fatigue can either be psychological or physiological. Due to fatigue, our body's capacity to do work is reduced. In order to avoid fatigue, either rest period should be introduced between the work or the job should be made more interesting. Besides these, the worker can either be appreciated or given some incentive, so that the worker gets motivated to do work more efficiently and effectively. There are basically two types of fatigue. They are:

  1. The physiological fatigue: Sometimes also called tissue physical impairment.

  2. The non-physiological or psychological fatigue or subjective fatigue: This psychological fatigue can again be subdivided into two types i.e. boredom and frustration.
Last modified: Thursday, 22 March 2012, 12:38 PM