Causes Of Fatigue

Lesson 41 : Fatigue-Forms And Causes
Causes Of Fatigue

As a background for considering the physiological and psychological aspects of fatigue, we can look at some common situations in which we experience fatigue, situations that are often associated with feelings of tiredness. These situations can be summarized in a nontechnical way:

  1. A long period of mental or light physical work in a restricted or uncomfortable position.
  2. A long period of work in a standing position.
  3. A long period of making continuous postural adjustments, such as when riding in a car.
  4. A period, possibly short, of heavy physical exertion.
  5. Working at a disliked task.
  6. Working at an unaccustomed task.
  7. Working at a task that requires close attention or extreme alert­ness.
  8. Working under pressure, for instance, when meeting a deadline.
  9. Working without sufficient knowledge or information.
  10. Emotional stress, whether working or not.

Nickel et,al.(1976) described the causes of fatigue in three domains:

  1. Worker Domain:Person Performing The Work
  2. Work Domain:The Nature Of Work
  3. The Work Environment.
Last modified: Thursday, 22 March 2012, 12:47 PM