Introduction To Animation

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 13 : Importance of Animation in video production

Introduction To Animation

Animation develops imaginative worlds by using single-frame recording techniques to make static images and objects appear to move; whether the medium is digital files, film, or video, the philosophy and basic techniques are the same. By breaking the motion of an object down into its component parts, an animator can control the movements of otherwise lifeless figures and images. Single-frame recordings of static images can create apparent motion when small changes in the positioning of objects occur between successive frames. Thus, animation creates apparent changes in position. Only 24/30 different images may be required for each second’s duration of the final sequence, although single-frame versus double-frame animation is always a trade-off between smoothness and cost.

Animation is based on an animator’s knowledge of time and motion. An animator must be able to break down motion into its component parts so that it can be artificially constructed out of static images.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 5:55 AM