Animation on the Web

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 13 : Importance of Animation in video production

Animation on the Web

Because of the limitations of the delivery systems on the web, web graphics and animation must be carefully designed so that they do not exceed the channels of delivery. Full-color, full-sized, moving images do not reproduce well on systems driven by the slower modem. As systems designed to move data at a higher rate are more widely used, the quality of animation on the web will improve. Today web art borrows from all forms and modes of animation and graphics. Two-and, in limited cases, three-dimensional graphics or animation can be downloaded with patience, plenty of memory, and a speedy delivery system. By comparison to other visual media, web art will remain somewhat primitive but full of opportunities for experimenting and plowing new artistic ground.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 7:04 AM