Storyboards and animation preproduction

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 13 : Importance of Animation in video production

Storyboards and animation preproduction

An animated sequence often begins with the construction of a storyboard. A story board is a serried of sequential sketches that depict the composition and content of each shot or key action in an animated sequence. A storyboard is similar to a news paper comic strip. It helps a graphic artist or animator to visualize the entire sequence on paper before preparing the final images. The storyboard can be used to communicate the animator’s basic idea and strategy to a producer. It can also serve as a blue print or guide to the actual creation and recording of images.
Many animators design their storyboards in conjunction with prerecorded music, sound effects, or voice tracks. Because timing or synchronization between sound and image is often crucial to the success of an animated sequence, music and sound are initially recorded and analyzed.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 6:53 AM