Film Animation

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 13 : Importance of Animation in video production

Film Animation

Film animation requires the use of a camera that records single frames of motion-picture film. The camera is normally suspended above the artwork by mounting it on an animation stand. An animation stand consists of a camera platform attached to vertical poles or columns, so that it can be raised and lowered over the art work. The camera platform is suspended above a large horizontal table, called a rostrum, which can be moved east, west, north and south. The art work is secured to this horizontal table by placing the hole of perforations in proper registration over peg bars on the table.

A film animation camera is normally equipped with special controls for specific animation effects. A variable shutter, for example, can be used to fade out form or fade in to a specific piece of artwork. By rewinding the film to the beginning of a fade-out as indicated by the frame counter on the camera and then fading on another piece of artwork, a dissolve can be created. Superimpositions are made by back winding and double –exposing individual frames

Images are electronically animated by placing a video camera on an animation stand and recording single video frames of the artwork on the table using the same techniques as used for film animation.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 7:06 AM