3-D Computer Animation

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 13 : Importance of Animation in video production

3-D Computer Animation

The differences between 2-D and 3-D computer animation involve the complexities of creating figures with a Z-axis dimension. The standard method is to follow the story-board stage of 2-D drawing with the design and creation of a wireframe model of the figure. The wireframe is made up of a series of polygons that approximate the three dimensional shape of the object. The wireframe model is then smoothed and rounded to a more realistic shape by creating the “skin” or outer surface of the object. Textures, shading, and lighting are added to enhance the 3-D effect. Once the figure is complete, the digital file that represents that figure must then be rendered, just as 2-D animation figures are rendered to a final form that may be output to film or video for combination with background, other figures, and added movement, the final form may also be distributed.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 6:59 AM