Youth Clubs

Lesson 18 : Role of Local Bodies, Organizations and Extension Agencies in Programme Execution

Youth Clubs

Youth clubs comprising of youth, play a dynamic and important role in programme execution in rural areas. Sound, competent and enlightened leaders in youth club help in fast implementation of the programme by the rural youth. A majority of Indian rural youth is engaged in agriculture and allied activities such as dairy, poultry, bee keeping and others, hence youth clubs initiate the farm boys to adopt new practices in the programme being implemented.

While implementing programmes, the specific projects in which youth clubs are interested, have to be found out, so that they take keen interest in implementing the programme at a large scale. Being the youngsters of the local situation, they are the foundation stones, who determine to a large extent the success of the project. Emphasis is to be laid on training of youth club members on different aspects, for the proper propagation of the project.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 5:50 AM