Lesson 18 :Role of Local Bodies, Organizations and Extension Agencies in Programme Execution
Farmers Organizations
Farmer’s organizations not only serve the farmers interests in their specific objectives such as processing, marketing and transport but also serve the interest of the community by developing qualities of leadership and organization among their members. The leadership qualities enable better implementation of projects relating to farming in a community.
Farmer’s organization, by taking part in the planning and carrying out of the proposed plan of action, help in overcoming the obstacles faced from time to time at their own level.
This kind of organization representing a considerable body of people, preferably the village farmers, acts as an immediate link between the government and the people. They bring their views to the notice of the government, thereby reducing the gap between government and the people.
For programme implementation, farmer’s organizations are of great help as they keep their members informed of the latest advances in farming methods, latest techniques in processing, grading, transport and marketing of the crops, which is of mutual benefit to the consumer and the producer. This helps to convince the members of farmer’s organizations to have increased participation in the farming programmes being implemented.