Role of Extension Agencies in Programme Implementation
Lesson 18 :Role of Local Bodies, Organizations and Extension Agencies in Programme Execution
Role of Extension Agencies in Programme Implementation
Different roles performed by the extension agencies during programme implementation include:
Help the target beneficiaries to become aware of their needs and change their behaviour, bringing about a change in their knowledge, attitude, skills and abilities.
The different extension agents involved in improving the rural conditions helps to build a good rapport amongst the clients. The clients must accept the extension agent and his credibility before they accept the innovations promoted by them. Good environment building helps in easing the process of programme implementation.
Assemble, relate and analyze all factual information collected.
Help people to diagnose their problems and decide which needs immediate solution.
Motivate the clients to mentally accept the change being introduced.
Assist the clients to implement the recommendations or solutions and emphasize on getting action of the clients on proposed solution.
To develop complete procedures and train staff as well as villagers.
Help to stabilize change and prevent discontinuance of the new behaviours by convincing through reinforcing messages to the clients who have adopted the new practice.
To strive for larger participation by the people and coordinate all efforts and resources of other agencies.
Help to develop leadership among various sectors of the rural community.
Help to transmit information based on agricultural research and applied experience.
To keep research workers constantly informed about the problems at rural level to offer solutions based on further research in specific area concerned.
These agencies help to set up a feedback process to known the problems arising for further implements.
Help in providing inputs like seeds, fertilizers, raw materials, implements and may others to the target group and also the method of using it.
Work with rural people through non formal education and also involving their participation for anchoring community development covering several activities like agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and may other allied activities.
Help in disseminating the latest technologies to rural people and communicate back the information on adoption of new techniques and improved practices in various sectors.