Key for effective presentation with audiovisual aids
Do use them to summarize or show the sequence of content.
Do use them to visually interpret statistics by preparing charts and graphs that illustrate what you will say.
Do use them to illustrate and reinforce your support statements.
Do use them to add visual clarity to your concepts and ideas.
Do use them to focus the attention of the target group on key points.
Don’t project copies of printed or written text. Instead, summarize the information and show only the key points on the visual aids.
Don’t put yourself in the role of aiding your visuals: A presentation is primarily an oral form of communication. They cannot make those points for you; they can only reinforce them.
Don’t use copies of your transparencies as handouts. They reinforce what you are saying-- they don't say it for you.
Don’t use charts, graphs, or tables that contain more information than you want to provide. The group will have difficulty focusing on the point that you're tying to make.
Last modified: Friday, 25 November 2011, 5:51 AM