Advantages of using Audio-visual aids

Advantages of Using Audio-Visual Aids

  1. Helps to give correct concepts.
  2. Intensify the impressions and vitalise the instruction.
  3. Arouse, build and sustain the interest by attracting the attention of the learner.
  4. Motivate for action and change the attitudes.
  5. Teaching will be in systematic manner.
  6. Supplement other learning and clarify what has taught.
  7. Serve as remainders and economies teaching time.
  8. Over come the language barrier.
  9. Reach more and many people.
  10. Adopt teaching to local condition and make teaching more real.
  11. Play important role in conceptual thinking.
  12. Visual aids help to establish organisation for presentations.
  13. Visual aids add variety and emphasis and it helps to be concise to your presentation.
  14. Visual Aids make you more persuasive- The presenter appeared clearer, more concise, and more professional, more interesting and made better use of supporting data.
Last modified: Friday, 25 November 2011, 5:49 AM