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Video Production Techniques
Phase.I: Scripting/Story Boarding: Draft of the script with complete detail of audio and video notes. Use templates for creating the story board outline. Location: The following factors are to be considered in locating the shooting spots are: Accessibility, power supply, noise audio acoustic, existing lightings, windows light ability, ventilation, etc. Good selection of location lead the better audio and video quality, limiting the working days due to spatial efficiency, decreasing the time in post production, etc. Casting: Use on camera talent persons to narrate the video production with some accessories like variety of actors and voice specialists. Make arrangements to see and hear the demo tapes. Rehearsal: Talents (actors and voice specialists) should be well rehearsed before the performance. Rehearsal can reduce the production time by as much as 50% and saves production cost. Phase.II: Production: Shooting: This is actual nut and bolts of video production. Access the versatile roster professionals on order to assign a qualified video crew to tape and record all required materials outlined in the video and audio portions of the script. Phase.III: Post production: Editing: The first step in editing process is to produce the approval copy of the program as close to final script as possible on a VHS cassette. Here the producer should be acting the program on the basis of time, shot sequence and shot selection. Editing is the process of actually altering the sequence of scenes, shortening. Lengthening or eliminating the scenes altogether. It is a creative and time consuming process. There are two methods of editing.
Special effects are added at the editing stage. The finished look of video tapes emerges only at this stage. In reproducing motion, the scene is scanned 24 times in a second in a video camera. Likewise what appears on TV set is actually a quick succession of ‘still frames’ at the rate of 24 seconds. Each frame is further divided into two fields. The apparent continuity of the picture ids due to the ambiguity of the human eye to retain an image for a short while also called ‘persistence of vision’. Mastering: This includes adding music, necessary audio sweetening, additional video transitions, laying in spatial effects and any other visual specifications that are outlined in the script. Phase.IV: Packaging and Duplication: Design slipcover and printed brochure for your video cassette/ tapes. There may probably be needed of some still photograph taken during videotaping for designing the slipcovers. Duplication: Deliver as many copies of the program in any format (VHS, PAL, etc.) and in any quantities you required.