Television Programme Production
Select a subject matter field which is felt needed based from rural audience point of view.
Determine the main point to be covered in the programme.
Get the picture of over all programme in your mind before proceed further.
Divide the programme into important steps, and list those steps in logic order.
Consult the resource person to get more information for accuracy.
Select the format or method of presenting the Television programme. This may be demonstration, an illustrated material, a dramatic presentation, an interview, a forum or a variety of formats, using several of these methods combined.
Determine the Audio and Visual aids, equipment, materials and properties that best show the points to be made.
Make an outline of the programme.
Correct the outline of the script in the view of the programme and provide the copy of the script of the programme.
Accumulate the Audio and Visual aids, materials properties and equipment, and lay all out in the order which will be used.
Rehearse the programme at office or shooting spot. Time the rehearsal for the total length and for each important segment.
Present the programme as it is outlined and ask the technical crew to produce as good a show as they possible can.
It is often necessary to use a special device to get from one segment of the programme to another. This is called Transition. It may be done visually, orally or both. It ties the whole programme together, giving it the polished, professional touch and results in a programme that flows smoothly. Transition must be indicated in the script if used.
Last modified: Thursday, 24 November 2011, 11:16 AM