Distance: Distance is the spatial separation between two points without regard to direction. In navigation, it is measured by the length of a line on the surface of the earth from one point to the other; customary units are yards, miles or kilometres. The “mile” commonly used by navigators is the International Nautical Mile, which is equal to 6076. 1 feet This is longer than the Statute Mile(5280 feet) used on land,.

1 Nautical Mile = 6076.1 feet

(1 Statute Mile on land = 5280 feet)

1 Nautical Mile = 1.852 km =1852 m

[1 fathom = 1.829m=6 feet (1 foot – 0.3048m)]

           Speed is defined as the time rate of movement and in navigation is usually measured in Nautical Mile per Hour or “Knots”. (Note: “Knots per hour” is a wrong usage).Time is written as four digits in a 24 hour system. The time 04:32 A.M. would be written as 0432; and 8:15 P.M would be written as 2015.(The word “hours” is not written or spoken after the four digits.)

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:39 AM