Life cycle


  • Eggs are passed in the faeces of host, they are light brown in colour, operculated and unembryonated when laid.
  • The development of eggs occur in the environment, takes several weeks for the development of ‘coracidium’. It is a six hooked oncosphere covered with ciliated embryosphore.
  • The fully developed coracidium hatch out and swim in the water for short period then the coracidim is ingested by 1st I/H – Cyclops in which develops into “Procercoid” in about 3 weeks time. These infected 1st I/H are ingested by fish (2nd I/H).
  • Within the 2nd I/H it develops into plerocercoid in the viscera and musculature.
  • D/H acquire infection by eating of infected raw fish. Prepatent period is 4 weeks


Click here to view the lifecycle

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 7:31 AM