Life cycle


  • Gravid segments are passed in the stools and these gravid segments migrate and contaminate the soil or grazing area of livestock.
  • During migration eggs are released which are ingested by the I/H (cattle) and in the small intestine of cattle they hatch where upon the oncosphere penetrates the intestinal wall and reach different parts of body via general circulation and develops into Cysticercus in heart, masseter muscles, tongue, diaphragm etc. However, high density occurs in the heart and masseter muscle.
  • The cysticercus attains maturity in 10 weeks time and remain viable for 9 months.
  • The larval stage is Cysticercus bovis and the beef infected with Cysticercus bovis is called as “measley beef”. Humans acquire infection by ingestion of uncooked or improperly cooked infected beef.

Click here to view life cycle of Taenia saginata

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 7:27 AM