
The characteristic feature of the common Ara macaws is the large area of essentially bare facial skin on either side of the head. In most instances, this is white yellowish.
The genus is represented in both Central and South America, and formerly occurred during quite recent times on some of the islands in tire Caribbean, although exact details of the number of species and their appearance is not known with any certainty. Undoubtedly macaws have been kept for- centuries as pets in their native lands as archaeological evidence has revealed.
In contrast to their fearsome beaks, macaws can prove very gentle, but take any chances with an unknown bird. They are not usually talented mimics, but are certainly intelligent birds and will readily recall any mistreatment, making it very difficult to regain confidence of such a bird.
Macaws show a strong tendency to become one person pets and this can present a great problem when purchasing a tame adult bird that is used to its surroundings. They have a long potential life span and mature slowly, rarely breeding before four years of age.
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 9:15 AM