


  • The order Psittaciformes consist of approximately three and hundred and thirty species, which are mainly con¬fined to the tropical regions of the world, although there are a few notable exceptions, such as the Kakarikis (Cyarrorarriphtas sp.) that occur on islands to the south of New Zealand. The majority of parrots occur in Central and South America, with the most southerly species being the Austral Conure (Erticognathus ferrugineus), which ranges to Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America.
  • A number of distinctive features set parrots apart from other birds. They have a sharply curved Upper beak that fits over their lower bill. This arrangement has led to these birds being described as hookbills in the United States. The degree curvature of beak depends on the species concerned, and this in turn is a reflection of its function. The long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenreirost), for example, uses its elongated upper mandible to dig for roots. In some instances, the fleshy tongue within a parrot's beak is also modified to assist with feeding habits, as in lories and lorikeets.
  • The perching arrangements of parrots is also unusual, but not unique in the avian kingdom. Their zygodactyls grip, with two toes Pointing forwards and two behind the perch, is shared with some other birds, notably toucans and barbets, but parrots also use their feet to hold food up to their beaks. There are exceptions to this behaviour, however, notably in the case of budgerigars and other parrots that tend to feed on the ground. Studies show that the majority of parrots have a tendency to use one foot in preference to the other. This can be seen in pet birds, with the left foot often being preferred.
  • Another well-known characteristic of parrots is their potentially long lifespan, although this varies according to the species concerned. The longevity of most parrots is measured in decades, however, with some individuals living into their seventies. Clearly, they are more likely to achieve this age when kept as pets; mortality in the wild will account for birds long before they have reached their maximum natural lifespan.

Amazon parrots

Amazon parraots

  • This genus consists of  twenty seven species, which occurs in  central and South America, as well as on some Caribbean islands. They are popularly known as Green Parrots, because of the predominance of green coloration in their plumage, especially in the case of the mainland populations.
  • Ainazons were first brought to Europe in 1492 by Colombus returning from the momentous expedition to the New world, and they have been popular as pet birds ever since. During recent years, these parrots have also been bred in collections on regular basis and hand reared chicks are often available.  Hand reared birds make the most amendable pets.

Other paraot types

Senegel parrots

Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 9:33 AM