Induced breeding in Carps (Freshwater fishes)
AIM: To understand the induced breeding of Indian major carps.
Though many species of fishes including Indian major carps and Chinese carps grow rapidly and attain sexual maturity in ponds, they do not breed in confined ponds or captivity. They breed in flooded rivers during monsoon.
Although natural collection of these fish seeds from the rivers can be followed to meet the requirements of fish seeds for farming, the fish seeds may not be available at the time of requirements and their transportation from the place of collection to the culture site may also pose problems.
In order to overcome these constraints, induced breeding by hypophysation technique has been developed. By this technique, injection of pituitary extract of the same species of fish, related species of the same family or of another family of fish can be done to induce the fish gonadotropically. If the pituitary extract of the same species is used, it is called homoplastic and if the pituitary gland of a different species of the same family or related family is used, it is called heteroplastic.
Last modified: Monday, 16 April 2012, 11:08 AM