Collection and preservation of pituitary gland for induced breeding
In India, generally, pituitary glands are used as an inducing agent to breed Indian major carps and Chinese carps. However, Synthetic Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone analogue (SGnRH) is also being used widely for induced breeding of carps and catfishes.
Pituitary glands are collected from fresh gravid fishes.
The gland is located on the ventral side of the brain. On removal of the brain, the pituitary gland can be seen covered with a membrane, thin or thick and removed with a pair of forceps.
After removal, the glands are immediately kept in absolute alcohol in vials or small bottles for preservation.
After 24 hours, the glands are kept in fresh absolute alcohol. Absolute alcohol dehydrates and defattens the glands. The glands may be weighed individually or in small lots before hand for use and their record kept.
Common carp is a good donor of glands. Since in tropical countries they mature throughout the year, year round collection is possible.
Glands from induced bred fishes, soon after spawning are also collected, as they are found potent, but glands from immature fishes are normally not used.
Fish pituitary
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 2:00 PM