Preparation of pituitary extract and injection


  • After deciding the dosage, the quantity of glands required for injecting the spawners is calculated. The required quantity of glands is taken out.
  • The excess alcohol should be allowed to evaporate for a minute or so and weighed if not already weighed before and macerated in a homogenizer in a known volume of distilled water or 0.3% saline solution.
  • The homogenized gland is then diluted to the desired volume. The dilution is made at the rate of 0.2 ml/kg body weight of recipient fish. The pituitary extract is then centrifuged and only the supernatant solution is used for injection.
  • Intramuscular injection is given between the base of the dorsal fin, the lateral line, at the base of the pectoral fin or between the anal fin and lateral line.
  • Intra peritoneal injection is given at the base of either pectoral fin or the pelvic fin.

Intramuscular_injection Intraperitoneal_injection

Intramuscular injection

Intraperitoneal injection

Last modified: Monday, 16 April 2012, 11:22 AM