

  • After injection, the male and female breeders are introduced into the breeding hapa in the ratio of 2:1. The breeding hapa is a rectangular fine meshed mosquito net cloth enclosure of 2x1x1 m with a top cover which opens on one side, where it can be securely tied after the introduction of the breeders. The hapa is fixed in the pond with the help of bamboo poles at the corners. A running water with the speed of 0.2 - 0.5 m/ sec has been found to be ideal for stimulating the parent fish to spawn. Spawning normally takes place 3-6 hours after injecting the pituitary extract.
  • At the time of spawning, the female is chased by the male with a little splashing of water. As the females liberate the eggs, the male oozes its milt and the eggs are thus fertilized.
  • The average fecundity of the Indian major carps has been estimated at about 2 lakh eggs/ kg body weight. The fertilized eggs of Indian major carps are transparent and non-adhesive and their size ranges from 3-5 mm. In about 10 hours, the eggs get water hardened and swollen and are removed to the hatcheries.
  • The breeders after the first spawning are fed with groundnut oil cake and rice-bran in the ratio of 1:1 at 2-5 % body weight.

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Information on breeding of marine fish and shrimp...

Last modified: Monday, 23 April 2012, 11:10 AM