Causes of eosinophilia


  • Chronic tissue damage especially allergic reactions.
  • Hypoadrenocortism
  • Drug therapy
  • Estrus
  • Purulent disorders – pyometra
  • Parasitism – migrating respiratory spontaneous hypersensitivity
  • Damages to tissues that contain large numbers of mast cells (skin, lungs, GI tract and uterus) results in the mast cell release of histamine, which attract more eosinophil than usual into the injured area which results in temporary circulatory eosinopenia. This is frequently to lower after a few days by a circulatory eosinophilia as the marrow responds by production.
  • Parasitism is common with parasites that involve the tissues causes migration through tissues. Toxocara canins and cati, A caninum, Strongyloids, S.lupi and T. spiralis.
  • Parasites that invade lung and air ways.
  • Parasites that invade the heart – dirofilaria immitis and heart worm.
  • Eosinophilia is not associated with the presence of tape worms, ascarids and hookworms, whipworms and coccidian in the gut.
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 November 2010, 6:14 AM