

  • Mechanical obstruction in the respiratory tract by Foreign bodies, exudation, tumours, anaphylactic bronchospasm, suffocation and drowning – blocks the lumen of the respiratory tract from within.
    • Spasm of glottis occur due to mechanical irritation and irritant gases, forcible closure of mouth and nose by any means.
  • Absence of sufficient oxygen at high altitudes. Presence of inert gases like carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
  • Stoppage of movements of chest from exhaustion of the respiratory muscles due to cold and debility.
    • Paralysis of the respiratory muscles due to the diseases (or) injury of the medulla (or) phrenic nerve (or) pneumogastric nerves.
    • Mechanical pressure on the chest or abdomen
    • Tonic spasm due to Tetanus or Strychnine poisoning
  • Collaspe of the lungs due to
    • Penetrating wounds of the thorax
    • Diseases – Pleurisy with effusion
    • Empgema
    • Pneumothrax
  • Non-entrance of blood into the legs as in embolism plugging the pulmonary artery.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 10:00 AM