Live and dead sperms
- The estimation of live and dead sperm is an important quality control test in all semen banks.
- The live sperm concentration is directly related with the fertility.
- The live sperm percentage is also directly related with motility.
- More the number of motile sperms higher will be the live sperms.
But the live sperm percentage will not give indication about progressively motile sperms.
- Sperms with other motilities like circular, oscillatory and bunting movements also will be live.
- Semen samples with lower motility will also have normal live sperm percentage.
- So the results should always be correlated with motility and the interpretation should be done critically.
- The spermatozoa will have a plasma membrane as its outer covering.
- This plasma membrane is intact in live sperms and its integrity is lost in dead sperms.
- The live and dead sperm is assessed by a vital stain - eosin-nigrosin which was found by Hancock during 1951.
- The eosin is a vital stain which can only pass through the loosely integrated plasma membrane of dead sperm and stains it as pink color.
- The stain will not pass through the live sperm and it appears as white in color. The nigrosin is a negative stain which gives background color.
- Initially the live and dead sperm was assessed by Mayer et al. (1947) by using eosin (vital stain) and opal blue (background stain).
- Later Hancock (1951) used eosin (vital stain) and nigrosin (background stain) and it is most commonly followed.
Procedure and result interpretation
Materials required
Phase contrast microscope
Preparation of 5% eosin stain
Eosin yellow powder
5 gm
2.9% sodium citrate
100 ml
- Weigh the eosin powder, put in pestle and mortar.
- Prepare 2.9% sodium citrate solution, boil it.
- Add the boiling solution to stain and grind it well. Finally filter and store it at 4 ⁰ C.
Preparation of 10% nigrosin stain
Nigrosin water soluble powder
10 gm
2.9% sodium citrate
100 ml
- The preparation of the stain is as per the above method. After filtration the stain is stored in an air tight bottle at 4° C.
Staining procedure (click here to view picture)
(Click here for video demonstration)
- A drop of eosin, four drops of nigrosin and a small drop of semen are placed on a clean, grease free slide.
- Mix the semen first with eosin and then immediately with nigrosin stain.
- The mixture is taken on the edge of a slide and pulled across the top of another slide leaving a smear (Click here to view picture).
- Allow it to dry in air.
- 200 spermatozoa are counted under oil immersion at a magnification of 1000X in different areas of smear and the live sperm percent is calculated. (Click here to view picture)
- Unstained sperms are considered as LIVE
- Sperms stained pink by eosin are considered as DEAD
- Partially stained sperms are considered as DEAD
- The fresh semen sample should have 80% live sperms
- The frozen semen samples should have 50% live sperms .
- If a semen sample will have more dead sperms it is called as necrozoospermia
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 2:02 PM