India is the No. 1 milk producer in the world.
This highest milk yield was achieved through the cross breeding the native breeds.
To maintain this place, the present dairy industry requires high milk producing cows and buffaloes.
To achieve this, the breeding bulls used should have high milk yield transmitting potential which mainly depends upon the proper selection of bulls.
“Bull is the half of the herd” and the milk production is a sex limited character.
So the bulls selected should be highest milk yielding mother.
Once the bulls are selected regular care is always essential to maintain them sound in both physically and reproductively.
A calendar/chart should be prepared well in advance for housing, feeding, watering, exercising, grooming, brushing, shed cleaning, routine health checkup, disease screening (for TB, JD, Brucellosis), vaccination depending upon the facilities available in that area and should be strictly followed up without any deviation.
The management is important to maintain standard optimum performance.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:41 AM