Cleaning, grooming and brushing


Daily cleaning will help in two ways

  • It keeps the animal healthy
  • Helps the bull attendant who is looking the bull to work with the bulls and to become familiar and better control over bulls.
    • The bulls should be washed daily with clean fresh water.
    • The perineal region, preputial sheath, area between forelegs, between thighs and testicles should be washed thoroughly.
    • Bathing can be stopped under extreme conditions where it is too cold. In these conditions at least the preputial sheath should cleaned.
    • The grooming and brushing should be done daily. The grooming and brushing will helps to keep the animal healthy and to have better cutaneous circulation.
    • While doing the above three activities the animals should be examined for ectoparasites, wounds, skin problems and other lesions.
    • Interdigital space should be washed and cleaned and should be checked for the presence of lesions or foreign materials.
    • The excessive preputial hairs should be clipped periodically. The preputial hairs should not be clipped to closely.
    • The preputial cavity should be cleaned with normal saline at regular interval. Use only normal saline. Don't use any antiseptic solution.
    • Buffalo bulls may be shaved whenever possible to keep them clean and should be washed regularly.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:43 AM