Vaccination and deworming
Vaccination schedule should be prepared in advance and should be strictly followed.
Prophylactic vaccines should be given for foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, haemorrhagic septicemia, black quarter, anthrax and theileriosis should be given.
Theileriosis - Once in a lifetime in exotic and crossbred bulls. But in tick infested areas once in three years.
To reduce the lay off time, the bulls should be on the rest day or the day after collecting semen collection. Sexual rest is not required unless there is febrile condition.
Some vaccinations can be given in anticipation depending upon the outbreak in nearby areas and climatic conditions.
All records for vaccination should be maintained.
Regular deworming should be done at the prescribed interval and the records should be maintained.
The semen station should arrange for ring vaccination all animals against FMD, HS, BQ with ina radious of 5 kms around the semen station.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:43 AM