Opening of mouth and medication


  • The dog’s mouth can be easily opened for examination or medication.
  • One hand should be placed over the bridge of the nose and the upper lip should be pulled upward.
  • The head should be tilted up, which minimizes the dog’s ability to bite.
  • The other hand should pull the lower jaw to open.
  • If a tablet or capsule is to be given, it can be dropped at the base of the tongue. Gravity will aid in proper placement.
  • A quick thrust with the index finger will push the tablet over the tongue and initiates the swallowing reflex.
  • The finger should be pulled quickly and the jaw holding should be released.
  • If the dog swallows the tablet, the tongue will flick out between the teeth and lips as a flag that the mission is accomplished.
  • If this does not occur, rest assured that the tablet will be spit out later.
  • Care should be taken to avoid pressing of dog’s lips over its teeth with your fingers.
  • The dog may bite its own lips and the handler’s fingers.
  • If it is necessary to keep the mouth open for an extended period, a spring gag can be used.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:02 AM